God is blessing in many ways the work that the Hurtados are doing in Peru. With over 200 station airing our program Rene keeps searching for more outlets for our programs either visiting new radio stations, or by promoting the programs among pastors and Christian leaders. As a result of Rene’s commitment the Gospel is proclaimed over 3,000 times per week all over Peru. Certainly the Holy Spirit is touching hearts every time the programs are broadcasted. Few months ago Crespin and his wife heard the Gospel through our programs. They accepted Jesus as their Savior and started to attend a local church. As the days went by, they started to notice that the teaching that they were receiving in their church was very different from what they were learning through our programs. One year later they decided that they needed the advice from some pastor, thus, they decided to visit the church of our missionary Rene Hurtado. At the end of the service Crespin asked Rene if he could have the opportunity to share his situation. As he explained the struggle that he and his wife were having, Rene realized that the Holy Spirit was working in the hearts of this young couple. Few days later Rene was able to visit them in their house and he realized that this family are dealing with very difficult situations. In spite of their situation, they have decided to attend Rene’s church. For them this decision involves a huge investment of time to travel since they have to take to buses and not always they have the money, but they have understood the importance of nurture their spiritual lives with sound teaching. They desire and prayer is to have a church planted in the area where they live. Meanwhile they are growing spiritually through a local church and through the teaching of the Bible through our programs.