The number of people in Paraguay downloading our App are increasing tremendously

God’s Word is reaching different regions of Paraguay over 2,700 times per week through the broadcasting of our programs in 265 radio stations. Our missionary Roberto Acuna has been investing a lot of time not only visiting new radio stations, but also supplying programs to those stations included in our database. Quite often there stations that do not broadcast the programs any more. It means that Roberto’s duty is not only add numbers to the database, but to make sure that the stations included are active. Thanks to Roberto’s diligence, the Gospel is reaching places like Arroyo y Esteros, a town with 23,000 people. As many towns all over Paraguay, most of the population in this place, hold on to the traditions brought by the Spaniards during the time of the Colony. Therefore, there is a strong need to have the message of salvation reaching the souls of thousands of people in this place. Not long ago Roberto visited Mandurvia FM, the only secular radio station broadcasting in this town, and the owner of the station agreed to air the long programs. Our prayer is that people in this town are establish a personal relationship with Christ as they hear our programs.

For many years, Radio has been the main outlet for the broadcasting of our programs. We praise Him because many lives have come to the knowledge of the Savior through radio. Taking advantage of newer technologies, now we are making available our programs through our App with the purpose of reaching younger generations engaged with the use of Internet. From our App, people can share the programs through other social media platforms. Recently Roberto had the opportunity to introduce our App to a large group of pastors in Asuncion. One young man who has a large network of contacts decided to share every day one of our programs through an App know as WhatsApp. Roberto has been also visiting churches to encourage the believers to share the Gospel with their contacts in Facebook. Praise the Lord many believers in Paraguay are responding and the number of people downloading our App are increasing tremendously. We are thankful to the Lord for opening so many opportunities to make the Gospel know to thousands of people all over Paraguay as owners of radio station accept to air the programs, and as believers share their faith with their friends and relatives through our App for smart devices.

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