Current economic, political and social crisis in Venezuela is causing a total lack of faith and hope among millions of people

Our conviction as a ministry is that now more than never, people in Venezuela most hear about Christ.

The director of a Radio station that accepted To broadcast our programs
The director of a Radio station that accepted to broadcast our programs

Certainly, the current economic, political and social crisis in Venezuela is causing a total lack of faith and hope among millions of people that have to deal with a huge wave of violence that affects every aspect of the society in this country. The levels of insecurity have raised to unprecedented levels. The high inflation, a culture of lawlessness and the excessive permissiveness toward criminal groups have created an atmosphere where violence, especially murder, is distorting daily life. The phrase “Yo no creo en nadie” (I believe in no one), has become a popular credo for people that has lost hope not only in the government institutions, but also in any other human institution in Venezuela. The Lord has set in our missionaries’ hearts the goal to reach more people with the message of hope in Christ. To accomplish this goal, Francisco has been implementing different strategies to increase the number of stations broadcasting our programs. During the second part of 2015, Francisco traveled to four different states to visit over sixty radio stations. None of these stations had heard our programs. Praise the Lord, the owners of twenty stations accepted to broadcast our programs as they realized that the goal of our programs .is to provide a message of hope to those who are living in despair. Pray that as the Gospel is proclaim through 60 radio stations all over Venezuela, people that cannot believe in no one, may believe in the one that give everything on a cross.

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