We are reaching thousands of people in twenty provinces of Argentina through 100 radio stations

Roberto (right) with the owner of a radio station
During the first quarter of this year, owners of 25 radio stations in different regions of the country, heard for the first time about our radio programs. Several of these outlets are located in small towns where the agriculture and farming are the main activities. Therefore, radio is an important companion for the people. Thanks to the Lord, seven stations agreed to air the programs. We are thankful with the Lord because through the years God has been opening doors in more radio stations for the broadcasting of the Gospel. Right now, we are reaching thousands of people in twenty provinces of Argentina through 100 radio stations. Chaco and Salta are the only two provinces where our programs are not on the air, therefore my goal is to introduce our ministry in churches to encourage them to use them as an evangelistic tool, and to contact radio stations. My daily prayer is that, as our programs are broadcasted, the exposition of His Word would reach sensitive hearts. People like Rubén, who contacted us to share certain difficulties that he is experiencing. As he is dealing with serious problems in his marriage, God’s Word has been speaking to his heart. Initially our communication was by email, eventually he decided to give me his telephone number. After a couple of conversations, I decided to ask him if I could visit him (he does not live too far from where I live). He agreed, so within the next weeks I will visit him to keep encouraging him to trust in Jesus as his personal savior. Just as Ruben, there are many others that are hearing God speaking to their hearts in midst of trials. Roberto and Paty, along with their sons, are actively serving the Lord in a local church in the province of Cordoba. They recently opened their house for Bible studies and some neighbors have accepted Christ as their savior. Their goal is to help these new believers in their walk with God, and introducing them into a local church.

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