The Quechua is a pre-Columbian language with approximately 7 million speakers. It is mainly spoken in Peru, Ecuador, and parts of Bolivia. As a ministry, we have focused on the proclamation of the Gospel among the Quechuas in Peru. As we launched this new window to reach more people with the Gospel, we immediately needed to find a godly man who could speak Quechua fully and was passionate about reaching the Quechuans for Christ. The Lord gave us the privilege to meet Valentin Quispe. He obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Theology from the Baptist Seminary of Cuzco. He was also a professor at a Theological institution in Urubamba. For over 20 years, he has served as a pastor in Cuzco among the Quechuas. He was also part of a committee in charge of translating the New Testament into the Quechua language. An extraordinary blessing was that he had experience in radio broadcasting. Thanks to his years of experience in the ministry and the talents and gifts the Lord gave him, in 2015, Valentin and his wife, Mercedes, joined Spanish World Ministries to lead our goal to reach the Quechuans with the message of salvation in Christ. Since their involvement, the goal of spreading the message of the Gospel in Quechua through the radio waves in Peru has been accomplished. Valentin has translated and produced 350 radio programs in this language. At the same time, he has visited radio stations in Quechua to introduce our programs. Thanks to God’s blessing upon Valentin, almost 200 radio quechua stations have agreed to broadcast them. As a result of Valentin’s commitment, the Gospel is broadcast over 900 times every week in different regions of Peru.

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