Guatemala’s population is over 15 million, and about 44% belong to Indigenous groups. Many Indigenous beliefs have combined with the traditions imposed by the Catholic Church since the time of the colony. For example, Maximón, also known as San Simón, is a saint whose origins are Indigenous Mayan and Spanish Catholic beliefs. According to the syncretism between both religions, this idol represents the light and the dark. Maximon’s effigy is present in homes and businesses, so it is expected to see people drinking and smoking by his side. Syncretism, combining Maya religious beliefs and Catholicism, is significant in highland Maya spirituality. Though Catholicism and Mayan traditions are present and alive in the Guatemalan context, the Evangelical churches have increased their attendance within the last fifty years. Approximately 42% of the population identify as Protestants. This is an unprecedented fact in Latin America, but unfortunately, a large segment of the Evangelical movement promotes the gospel of prosperity and has neo-Pentecostal teachings. Thus, the relevance of making the true message of the Gospel available to the Guatemalans is as essential and urgent as it is in other Spanish-speaking countries. Karel and Samantha Golcher have been representing Spanish World Ministries since 2014. Back then, we had 44 radio stations in our database. Thanks to their hard work, currently, 290 outlets are airing the programs over 5,300 times every week.

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