Doctrinal Statement

Doctrinal Statement of the
P. O. Box 542 Winona Lake, IN 46590

DOCTRINE IS IMPORTANT – It encompasses the teachings upon which we base our philosophy of ministry, providing guidelines and boundaries for performing that ministry. The doctrine under which Spanish World Ministres operates is thoroughly based on the Bible. We welcome into the fellowship and partnership of our mission those who share and honor the doctrinal principles stated below.


1. That the writings of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God verbally inspired; that this Word is our only infallible rule of faith and practice; that the Cannon was closed with the book of Revelation, and that no new revelation has been added.

2. That the one triune God exists eternally in the persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

3. That the Lord Jesus Christ is the Eternal Son of God who became man through the Virgin birth and continued to be true God and true man; that He died on the cross as substitutionary atonement in the place of sinners; that He bodily rose again from the dead, and ascended into heaven where He is our intercessor.

4. That the Holy Spirit is the Divine agent in revelation, redemption, and sanctification; that He inspired the writings of Scripture, convicts, regenerates, indwells, baptizes, seals, empowers, guides, teaches, and transforms those who become children of God through Christ; that spiritual gifts are sovereignly given to believers in order to edify the Church, and that the sign gifts evidenced in the apostolic age, including the gift of tongues, are no longer part of God’s program for today.

5. That man was created by God; that by willful disobedience he became a sinful creature and the progenitor of a sinful race, which needs to be regenerated through the atonement of Jesus Christ.

6. That all who place their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and repent are justified on the grounds of His death and resurrection, apart from works or human merit.

7. That those saved are eternally secure in Christ; that such assurance does not give license to sin, but that they instead, are responsible to live in submission to God’s Word.

8. That the saved will be resurrected unto eternal glory in heaven, and that the unsaved will be resurrected to eternal punishment in hell.

9. That the return of the Lord Jesus is imminent, personal, and visible; that He will rapture the Church, conduct judgment upon the earth, and establish His millennial Kingdom.

10. That Satan is the deceiver, god of this world, and that he controls unregenerated mankind.

11. That the Church is the Body of Christ composed of all true believers of the present age; that all its members should gather in local assemblies for worship, teaching, and fellowship; that all should observe the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and be active participants in the proclamation of the Gospel to every creature.

12.That we are Biblically mandated to live lives worthy of the Gospel of Christ and to present that same Gospel carefully, preserving, proclaiming and contending for the truth in strategic alliance with those individuals, churches and organizations who are like-minded

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