The “Macedonian call” continues to reach the ears and hearts of many willing missionaries throughout the world

Paul intended re-visit “every city in which they had proclaimed the Word” (Acts 15:36), but the Holy Spirit forbade them to speak the Gospel in Asia and kept them from going into Bithynia (16:6-7). Thus, while in Troas, Paul received the now well known vision with the call “Come over to Macedonia and help us”. Immediately, Paul “sought to go into Macedonia” fully convinced that God had called them to preach the gospel in that area (v. 10). The “Macedonian call” continues to reach the ears and hearts of many willing missionaries throughout the world. This is the case in Latin America. Like in Macedonia, there are those who need to hear about Christ. We at Spanish World Ministries are convinced of that call, and so are others in each of the countries themselves who are seeking to go into areas where the Gospel needs to be preached and heard.

Roberto with Ruben and his wife
Roberto with Ruben and his wife

In Argentina, Ruben and his wife invest several weeks during the year, to visit distant villages in the northern part of their country. Areas where there is no presence of evangelical churches and where few missionaries venture to go. This couple is greatly burdened for the hundreds that do not know about Christ. Through the years, they have seen people coming to Him. Their challenge has been to disciple the new believers and to keep on reaching more souls. Despite their very limited resources, the Lord has used their efforts, but they need help! Our missionary, Roberto Capdevila, heard about this couple’s ministry in northern Argentina, and offered our materials to them. Our programs on CDs are helping Ruben and his wife, not only to evangelize as they travel through the region, but also to bring spiritual growth to the new believers as they gain a greater knowledge of the Word. Ruben is very thankful because besides the programs being a strategic tool, they do not add an additional cost to their limited resources.

Pedro giving samples to the owner of a radio station in El Chapare
Pedro giving samples to the owner of a radio station in El Chapare

In Bolivia, 250 miles away of rough terrain from where our missionary Pedro Salces lives, lies the region known as El Chapare. A place well known for the high production of cocaine with about 90% of it being exported to other countries, mainly to the U.S. It is a difficult task to access this region to visit radio stations. However, the oil company “YPBF Andina” invited our missionary, Pedro Salces, a professional radio and TV announcer, to give a three-day workshop to 25 people involved in radio and TV. On the last day of the workshop, he offered samples of our programs to the employees of the radio stations. Ten people approached Pedro to request the samples. One secular station immediately offered to broadcast the programs, and several others said they would be considering including them in their programming. Sharing the Gospel is not easy in El Chapare. The churches need help as they try to reach those whose main interest is to make money for themselves and the drug cartels. But God has blessed Pedro’s efforts, and five radio stations are broadcasting our programs in this region. As in Macedonia, God has opened doors for those, like Pedro, who have answered the call to make the gospel known. Thus, we are privileged to assist the churches in preaching the Gospel through radio.

maria receiving literatures
Maria receiving Christian literature for her spiritual growth

What a joy it is for us to participate in helping many churches in the work of the gospel in Colombia! Three hundred and eighteen are carrying the message into the ears and hearts of many in that country. Pray that others, like Maria, might respond to what they hear. For many years, she was involved in Scientology. Then she began to listen to our programs through a local station and realized that there were huge differences between what she had learned for years through the readings and teachings of Scientology, and the Biblical message that she was hearing in our programs. Eventually, as she listened more of the Word, the Holy Spirit worked in her heart and she decided to place her trust in Christ as her personal Savior, and started to attend an evangelical church. Since she took that step, her son, who continues to be involved in Scientology, is no longer in talking terms with her. Despite his opposition, Maria’s life has changed, and this has brought a hunger for God’s Word. She has recently contacted our missionary, Luis Prada, asking him for Biblical counsel regarding the situation with her son. In her spiritual need, Luis is seeking to help her to deal with the difficult spiritual battle that she is confronting, by sharing God’s Word, praying with her, and providing her with some Christian literature that will help her growth in her spiritual life.

We are glad to send you this news about what God is doing through us, and we are thankful for those who remember us in prayer. Could I be so bold as to ask you to consider becoming a financial contributor to this ministry? In order for us to continue to help our missionaries help individuals and churches, we need your help. Regardless of the amount that the Lord leads you to participate with, I can assure you that all funds are used in the most frugal way, being responsible to the Lord to invest his resources in the most effective way to reach as many people as possible with the gospel. Any questions that might come to your mind regarding ministry or finances, I would be most happy to answer. Please e-mail me or call me.

Thankful to the Lord for you, and with our hope fixed on the living God (I Tim. 4:10).

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