Perú – René Hurtado

Rene Hurtado baptizing Emgidio

God gave me the privilege to baptize Emigdio and Graciela. They both came to know the Lord through a local Christian station that broadcasts our programs in the city of Trujillo. Emigdio was born in a Catholic home. All of his life he thought that it was enough to keep his traditions to obtain salvation.  Hearing our programs, he realized that the teachings and traditions that he believed did not have any biblical support.  Through the exposition of the Scriptures, the Spirit convicted him of his need to receive the gift of salvation. At the end of one of the programs, he was confronted with his need to accept Christ as his savior, and while alone in his house, he confessed Jesus as his personal savior.

Rene Hurtado baptizing Graciela

Graciela is the other person that was baptized.  She used to listen to the radio to check the horoscope. For her it was very important to know what would happen during the day according to her astrological sign. One day, as she turned on the radio, she realized that the station that she always listened was not broadcasting. Instead, a Christian station was transmitting. As she paid attention to the Bible teaching, she felt that the message that she was hearing was addressed to her. During the following days she kept hearing our programs, and finally she made the decision to accept Christ as her savior. After she trusted Christ, it took six months before she would attend a Christian church. The local Christian radio station was the instrument that God used not only to help her to accept Christ, but to help her grow in her Christian life as well.

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