Uruguay – Eduardo & Noreen Peirano

During the second part of the 2011 Eduardo visited 15 stations and introduced our ministry in five churches. As a result of his efforts the Gospel is broadcasted in 68 radio stations in Uruguay, a country with the highest percentage of atheists. Characterized by a secularist society, stations visited by Eduardo, usually reject the idea of transmitting programs that have to do with God. But, we praise the Lord because as the directors receive samples of the materials that we produce, eventually they realize that message that we share provides hope to the audience.

Eduardo Peirano sharing about the radio ministry in a church in Montevideo

The churches sometimes do not have the resources to sponsor the programs, but it is interesting to see how the Lord opens opportunities in stations as believers get to know about our ministry. In December, Eduardo was invited to share for a few minutes about our radio programs in a church in Montevideo. As a result of his presentation, a couple of believers that were visiting from the town of Rivera asked for some samples to take to a local radio station. Another lady has been praying for an opportunity to share the Gospel in a radio station in her neighborhood, but she does not have any way to produce programs. As she heard about the purpose of our programs, and that they are provided for free, she felt that the Lord was answering to her desire to have the Gospel broadcast through the local station.

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