For the last five years the war against the drug cartels has been the main headline in the news not only in this country, but all over the world. Certainly the lack of security is one of the major issues of society in Mexico, but another issue that is generating distress all over the country is the recent presidential election. After the preliminary results were given by the Federal Electoral Institute announcing the virtual President-elect, several massive student protests lead by a youth movement called “Yo Soy 132” and independent citizen movements have broken out throughout the country claiming the forced imposition of a President and electoral fraud. As massive evidence of an alleged fraud has surfaced and pointed towards the buying of votes by providing voting citizens with credit cards for Mexican supermarket chainstores.

Certainly there are many other issues that are affecting the people all over Mexico, but always the greatest need is to have the message of the Gospel reaching hearts. Broadcasting Christian radio programs is expensive and not that easy. That is why this year my main goal has been to share with pastors and Christian leaders the vision of the proclamation of the Gospel through radio waves. Not an easy task, but certainly an urgent one. Praise the Lord I have been able to contact more that 30 pastors and leaders. Most of them require constant follow up since the decision of sponsoring the radio programs is usually not up to them.
From June 7 through the 11th I organized a Bible conference in Mexico City and several pastors attended the event. During this event, our Director Daniel Sandoval had the opportunity to give a presentation of our ministry. Several pastors received a folder with samples of the programs and a letter with an explanation of how our programs can be a useful tool for the local churches. A pastor from the city of Orizaba immediately contacted me expressing his desire to use our programs. He said that for him it is quite difficult to find Christian programs with good Bible exposition.
Please, pray for those contacts that have received samples of the programs. That many of them would be willing to sponsor the programs in local radio stations.