Ernesto Zelaya – 2012

El Renuevo

Every month I am visiting the churches at El Renuevo and Tegucigalpita, and I praise Him because I can see how the Lord keeps supplying in different ways for the improvements of the buildings that the Lord has given us.

At El Renuevo, along with some men that live in this community, we were able to improve the entrance to the building as we put some concrete to make easier the access to this place. It certainly is a difficult job to do since the heat is very high, but we have been moving forward with this project.

At Tegucigalpita, the men and women from the church organized a work day to level the floor.


This project was done after a work team from U.S. came to help us with other aspects of the church such as making pews. Believers from different places in the U.S. donated a good number of Bibles to give to some of the people that are attending the churches at El Renuevo,Tegucigalpita and Casitas.

Also we were able to organize a visit to El Renuevo with some doctors to supply medicines to children that are struggling with malnutrition and anemia. During this visit we were able to provide some Bible teaching to the children that received the medical assistance.
In regards to the radio ministry we praise the Lord because during the first part of this year we have increased the number of radio stations.

Seven radio stations agreed to air the programs and a few others have not confirmed yet the transmission of the programs.

I praise Him because we have people responding to the programs.

Ernesto and Melvin Zelaya visiting a radio listener

A radio programmer asked me if it was possible to have an extra CD of our programs to listen at her house. It seems like she has paid interest in our programs while they are transmitted. Some listeners have asked us to visit them, and during our visits they have received a Bible, an evangelistic booklet and a CD with our programs.

The programmer of a radio station has been offering some literature to the radio listeners, but the listeners must call the station and should answer a couple of questions related to the program that was broadcast. Those that answered correctly received the material offered at the beginning of the program.

Our desire and prayer is that many would come to the knowledge of the Lord as they hear our programs.


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