Luis Prada – July 2012

I thank the Lord for the wide opportunities that He is opening through the radio for the exposition of Word through our radio programs. Within the last months at least 15 stations have accepted our programs. Many of them are secular, but the directors recognize that the message of our materials is positive for their audiences. As I contact new stations I try to establish contact with the directors to provide samples of the programs. In most of the cases I carry extra samples to give to other people in the radio stations. Recently I received an email from a lady that works in a station and that accepted as a gift a CD with the programs. Among other things she told me, “Thank you very much for the CD’s that you gave me. These messages are so clear that they have helped me in my life. I have been sharing the CD’s with friends and relatives that are going through difficulties in their lives. I would really appreciate if you can provide me with more programs to share with others.”  I praise the Lord because God is talking to the hearts of people like this lady.

Workshop in Cucuta

A few weeks ago the local authorities of Cucuta organized a workshop for directors and programmers of radio stations. Even though I am not part of any radio station, the lady in charge of this event invited me. She said that our programs have high quality and have a positive message of inspiration for the people. I accepted the invitation since I knew that this would be a great opportunity to get to know new directors and programmers. Praise the Lord I was able to give a folder with samples of our programs, a letter of introduction, and my business card. The directors that already broadcast our programs recommended highly our materials.

I praise the Lord because he is opening doors in different ways and the number of stations is increasing every month all over Colombia. I also thank Him because His presence has been evident in my life as He supplies for every need in my family. It is a great privilege to be part of a ministry that is totally committed to the proclamation of the Gospel in moments when people in this country must hear the message of hope in Christ.

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