Pedro Salces – July 2012

In the midst of severe political tensions we are thankful with the Lord because His protection has been present every day. The government has been implementing new laws that have caused reaction in different sectors of the country.

A couple of months ago the miners protested against the insufficient salary increase. They held a demonstration in the city of La Paz but as the police tried to block them, the miners used explosives against the police. The medical sector initiated a strike that lasted several weeks causing a lot of problems all over the country. The churches are also impacted by the new regulations implemented by government.

There is projected a new law that will require a tax for the offerings and tithes received. New laws in the education system are causing a lot of discomfort among the parents, especially those of us who are Christians. If these laws are implemented it will be forbidden to provide religious education even in Christian schools. The laws will also reinforce the teaching of ancestral religions and the acceptance of sexual diversity, among many other modernist points of view. These aspects will represent a great challenge for every Christian institution, such as the one that we have in our church.

In the midst of these situations, now more than ever, it is urgent to make known the message of the Gospel to so many people that are living without any hope, and that feel that the expectations of this government are far from being for the good of the country. In the light of these circumstances it is important to make a follow-up visit to those who are listening to our programs. I have implemented two steps to be able to contact radio listeners. At the end of our programs I have added a phone number. In this way I will have the opportunity to provide materials and lead the people to the Lord.

Material for radio listeners

The second strategy has been the provision of materials and CD’s to radio listeners that desire to learn more about God. The radio listeners would have to call to the specific radio stations to request the materials. One listener called to one of the stations that is distributing the materials and shared that due to a physical situation she cannot attend the church. She said that our programs represent a great blessing in her life thanks to the biblical teaching. There was a point in her life when her spiritual condition was weak, but God spoke to her heart as she heard our programs.  At least three stations have been accepted to distribute the materials and to provide me with testimonies of people reached by the programs.

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