Antonio Zorrilla – May 2013

The  Zorrillas with the director of a radio station that accepted our programs
The Zorrillas with the director of a radio station that accepted our programs

In Venezuela in 1999 many expected that social justice and progress would become a reality after previous governments full of corruption and deception. While many sectors wanted to keep the freedom offered by an open market, the government began an aggressive agenda that included the nationalization of important sectors of the economy and social programs that provided certain benefits for the poor. Through the first decade of the XXI century, a good sector of the society in Venezuela thought that their hopes and dreams would be fulfilled thanks to the government. As a ministry we expected that the political changes were going to have a negative impact in the proclamation of the Gospel in Venezuela since the media came to be totally under government control. Radio stations were allowed to broadcast as long as they would support the president’s socialist agenda, therefore the possibilities to have stations willing to air our programs were highly reduced. Just a couple of months ago, President Chavez died, and along with his death the hopes of many that expected that this person would give them the desired freedom. We praise the Lord  that in spite of all the social and political turmoil that has taken place in this country, God is using our missionaries Antonio and Julia Zorrilla. Thanks to their efforts, the messages are transmitted 686 times per week through 80 radio stations.  In the midst of the despair and lack of hope, many people all over this country can hear about the only one who has the power to bring real peace to the hearts, our Savior Jesus Christ.

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