Washington is a believer that attends Eduardo’s church and travels throughout Uruguay promoting his business. When he invited Eduardo to accompany him on a trip to four different provinces, Eduardo knew that this would benefit the ministry, and being careful with his travel expense fund, he accepted. Just before arriving at their first stop, they ran out of gas one mile from the town of Curtina. While his friend resolved the problem, Eduardo stepped into an office to ask if there was any radio station in this town. The lady at the reception told him that indeed her husband, who was also there, was the director of a small radio station. Eduardo immediately shared with them the purpose of our ministry and they agreed to air our short programs. In Artigas, another town in the northern part of Uruguay, Eduardo visited three stations that had stopped the transmission of the programs some time ago. Praise the Lord, the directors of these stations agreed to air the programs again. While Washington was promoting his business with another couple, he learned that they were Christians, but they were facing some difficult moments. Eduardo provided them with some literature and some Cd’s with our programs. Without expecting it, God used them to minister to these people. As a result of this trip, Eduardo visited 36 radio stations. Nine stations renewed the transmissions, and another six agreed to air the programs!
Is our goal as a ministry a huge number of stations airing our programs? No! Our goal is to see people coming to Christ, and there are many that need to hear so that they can believe. In this sense the number of stations is important, but not the goal in itself. The trip added another blessing when, in the city of “Rivera”, Eduardo was able to lead Juan to the Lord. Juan is the director of a radio station, and Eduardo had visited him a couple of years ago. But back then, he did not show any interest in the programs. This time he seemed indifferent at the beginning, but Eduardo explained to Juan that our programs had to do with a message of hope. Eduardo then shared some Bible verses, and Juan’s attitude changed. He showed greater interest in hearing, and at the end of the conversation, he expressed his desire to accept Jesus as his personal Savior.