Andrés Carrasco – October 2013

Andrés Carrasco
“Diablada”, the “Dance of the Devils”

The annual festival “Fiesta de la Tirana”, in northern Chile, has become the most celebrated festival of this country. Each year in June, dancers and musicians reenact the “Diablada”, the “Dance of the Devils”; a dance for exorcising demons. The festival is an example of the syncretism between local indigenous religions and Catholicism, as it also pays homage to the “Vírgen del Carmen”.

Indigenous people on their knees arrive at the Virgin’s sanctuary in processions, making promises in exchange for blessings. Others ask for forgiveness as they have failed in their desire to change something in their lives. Many others, struggling with their health, or needing a job, join the thousands of worshipers of the “Vírgen del Carmen”.

Andrés Carrasco
Andres Carrasco (right) giving a CD of programs to the Director of a radio station

The event attracts between 200,000 and 250,000 visitors during the week of celebrations. One of my goals at the beginning of this year was to visit new radio stations in the northern part of Chile. God allowed me to do it as I went to different towns to supply stations with our programs, and to search for new outlets willing to air them. Four secular radio stations agreed to broadcast our materials; another two that had canceled the broadcasts have renewed the transmissions.

There are eleven stations airing the programs in two northern regions of Chile. We pray that many that walk in spiritual darkness will hear the message of salvation in Christ, including many who think that by dancing the “Diablada” or praying to an image, their sins will be forgiven.

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