Eduardo and Noreen Peirano – October 2013

Eduardo (right) with the director of a Christian radio station
Eduardo (right) with the director of a Christian radio station

Moral values are declining dramatically in Uruguay. At times it seems that regardless of the effort of Christians in proclaiming the truth of the Gospel, it does not reach the hearts of those walking in darkness. The right to abortion and same sex marriages have been approved by congress over the objections from conservatives sectors of society.

Communitarian (public) stations have completely rejected programs with religious content. At the same time several Christian stations have been threatened with being shut down. Thus most of them decided to shut their transmissions. A few, tried to resist the pressure but finally had to end their broadcastings. The owner of a Christian station that was giving out CD’s with our programs to its listeners, told me: “It’s sad to shut down the station. We did as much as we could while we had the radio station; now our hope is that many were reached with the Gospel through our efforts”.

Praise the Lord, the story is not over yet! Some communitarian stations that have been broadcasting Christian programs are applying for commercial FM/AM licenses. Although this transition requires a large financial investment, a good number of believers that understand how crucial it is to spread the Gospel through radio, are willing to sponsor this effort. Others believers are sponsoring our programs in secular stations. God is also using others that in spite of financial limitations are trying to use technology by launching radio stations on line. Fernando, a believer that lives in Melo, contacted us through e-mail saying that he and his wife have been going through difficult trials; that our programs have helped them to hold on to God’s promises, and that, in the midst of their difficulties, God provided for them a small house that includes access to Internet. Then he added: “We have decided to glorify our Lord in our home by setting up a Christian radio station on line.

We want to bless others as much as we have been blessed through your programs. Would it be possible to broadcast your programs through our station?” God has taught me that the attacks of the enemy will not stop dedicated believers all over Uruguay from proclaiming the message of salvation.

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