Luis and Ruth Prada – October 2013

A lady contacted me and shared her story: “I live with my daughter and my son in law. A few weeks ago she lost her job and her employers denied paying her pension. My son in law is also looking for a job, but unfortunately the unemployment rate is very high in this city. My granddaughter is in college and I am the only one that can help her to pay for her studies. I am 70 years old and, as you can see, I am going through a very tough time trying to help my daughter and her family.

Your programs help me to seek wisdom in God’s Word, and at the same time they give me insight on how to keep on living. Every time I listen to your programs God reminds me that He is with me and that He understands my condition. Please pray that the Lord would continue giving me wisdom in the midst of the trials that I am going through”.

This testimony is a strong reminder of the importance of continuing to increase the number of stations that broadcast our programs. In recent months approximately 25 stations in different regions of the country have begun to air our programs. Our prayer is that, just as this lady, many others will find comfort and wisdom as they listen, and that those who do not know Him might understand what God offers trough the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

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