Pedro and Kitty Salces – October 2013

The social discontent is visible at the different levels of society in Bolivia. For several months, mine workers have been on strike due to the government’s denial of a pension increase. Teachers, factory workers, and even the police department have made demands to the government resulting in several riots. Tensions have spread to several cities in the different segments of Bolivian society, especially among the middle and lower classes.

Social unrest has led some to find an escape from their reality through drug consumption. In a few years there has been a large increase in the distribution of drugs all over the country. Teenagers and children, with few or no opportunities to succeed in life, are falling in the trap of narcotics.

Bolivia is the third largest producer of cocaine in the world. As believers, we know how important it is to reach people with the message of eternal hope in Christ.

People from different countries send us e-mails expressing their gratitude for our programs. A lady from Peru wrote: “Your programs are a huge blessing in my life. There have been times when through your programs the Lord has talked clearly to me in moments of despair. Even though the radio signal is very weak where I live, I thank God because your programs constantly encourage me to live depending on God’s Word.” Another lady from Honduras writes: “Thanks for replying to my email. I am facing a very difficult time. I have had a nervous breakdown since I lost my job. I feel useless and sad. I am afraid because I cannot find a job and the financial situation in this country is very difficult; please pray for me and my family. Whenever I listen to your programs my heart dismisses all my sorrows and I am able to focus on God’s Word”.
Every month we receive similar emails expressing despair and sadness. What a blessing and responsibility to know that God is reaching hearts through the exposition of His Word, and that people going through tough times, are finding the peace that only Jesus can offer.

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