People of devastated city on debris will be able to listen to the message of salvation in Colombia

The Lord has been has opened several opportunities to reach more people with the Gospel as I have contacted owners of radio stations. During the first quarter of this year I was able to contact 49 radio stations and praise the Lord 23 accepted to air our programs. One station is located in the town of Gramalote. During the first part of the last century, this town rejected completely the presence of Evangelical churches. This small town with no more that 3,000 people was destroyed before Christmas in 2010. After days of exceptionally heavy rain, the saturated ground began to move, not all at once as in a mudslide, but slowly downhill at a rate of about 13 feet per hour. Walls split open. Roofs caved in. Cracks, deep and long, opened in the earth.

Prada with the Director of Radio Regional St.
Prada with the Director of Radio Regional St.

One of the twin bell towers on the church, the town’s beloved landmark, toppled over. 870 families were evacuated and four years later they still dispersed to nearby towns and cities. Struggling to pay rent and often unable to find work, some families are slowly returning to the devastated town, to live among the ruins or at least in sight of them. This people are trying to hold on to the promises given by the government to rebuild this town. Unfortunately those promises might never be fulfilled. My wife and I decided to travel to Gramalote and contacted the owner of the only radio station in the region. After hearing that the purpose of our programs is to bring hope in Christ, with joy, the owner accepted to broadcast our programs. Perhaps this station in contrast with many others that have accepted our programs in other regions might not have a large audience. But those 100 families still living in this place must hear about the promises given to those that trust in Jesus as their personal savior. Promises that never fail!

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