A listener from Uruguay that was released from jail shares his testimony with us

Since my wife and I decided to serve the Lord several years ago, our ultimate goal has been to share with many people as possible the message of salvation. He has used our lives in many ways, but since we became missionaries with Spanish World Ministries, we realized that through the broadcasting of our radio programs, thousands of people would be exposed to the Gospel. Every month, among many other activities, my prayer and desire is to increase the number of stations in our database. Certainly, this is something difficult to accomplish in Uruguay because the owners of the radio stations would barely have any interest in spiritual matters. However, as serve under the conviction that the proclamation of the Gospel does not depend on the interest of these owners, but on the power of our Lord and Savior, during these last three months twelve stations have been visited. Eight of them have never heard our programs, and by God’s grace, one of them accepted to air the programs. Three more showed interest, but the directors need to find a spot available for their broadcast. Praise the Lord we have now sixty radio stations airing the powerful message of salvation in Christ.

Our prayer is that as the radio listeners hear our programs, they will realize about their need of a Savior. However, there are times when God touches the hearts of those in charge of airing the programs as they receive feedback from their audience. The owner of a radio station recently shared with me a message that he received from a radio listener: “Dear brother, thank you for your prayers. Last week I was released from jail. My family and I are going through a very difficult situation right now. I have a deep gratitude with your ministry for your programs. Through the exposition of the Scriptures, your programs have helped me to set my trust in the Lord in spite of the hard times that I have been facing. Please keep remembering us in your prayers”. We are thankful to the Lord because through this testimony we can see that His Word brings relief to those that are suffering and salvation to those that decide to trust in Him as their personal savior.

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