Golcher Family from Guatemala joined our ministry last year and share the progress made and the challenging experience in their country

During the last five years as a family, we have been involved in planting a church in the town of Quetzaltenango. It has been a wonderful privilege to see individuals and families coming to the knowledge of the Lord and to help them to grow in their spiritual lives now that they have become members of God’s family. This year God opened a wider opportunity to serve Him as my wife and I were invited to become missionaries with Spanish World Ministries. Under the conviction that the radio is a powerful tool to reach many with the message of salvation, my first responsibility has been to confirm that radio stations in our database keep airing the programs. During these months, I have been able to visit 16 radio stations and praise the Lord the owners of the stations have agreed to keep broadcasting them. This task has been quite challenging because I have been investing hours contacting the owners through the phone and emails. In most of the cases, I have traveled through different regions and always the Lord has prospered my ways. I have clear that the goal every month is to increase the number of stations airing the programs. With this in mind, I have visited 21 radio stations that have never heard the programs, and praise the Lord five of them accepted their transmission.

I would appreciate your prayers specifically for a “Radio Ixil”, a station that accepted both of our programs in Santa María Nebaj, in the region of “El Quiché”. The towns of San Gaspar Chajúl and San Juan Cotzal along with this town are known as the “Ixil Triangle”. During the 80’s the army perpetrated genocide against hundreds of natives from this region under the excuse that they were giving support to the guerrilla movement. Thus, many people fled from here to other regions. During the 90’s these communities tried to reunite the families that were scattered. The traditional religion with its syncretism along with the Mayan traditions established firm grounds in this region. Although missionary agencies and Evangelical denominations have expanded the proclamation of the Gospel, the truth is that many people in this area are walking in darkness, blinded by traditions that represent great value to their cultural background but that keep them away from the true knowledge of God. The population in this area is about 125,000 and although there are Christian stations, the truth is that there are very few programs with a solid explanation of the Gospel, and with a consistent exposition of God’s Word. Our prayer is that many people will realized about their need of Jesus and that those that already know Him as their personal Savior will nourish their spiritual lives through the exposition of the Word through our programs.

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