Some of the stations in the Dominican Republic added to our database are secular with very high ratings

smaily delivering jesus saves
Programmer receiving booklets of “Jesus Saves”

I am thankful to the Lord for the different ways He has been opening doors in radio stations for the proclamation of the Gospel. Within the last three months, I visited forty-seven radio stations. Twenty-three of these stations already broadcast our programs. My desire during this year has been to establish a personal relationship with the owners and directors of those radio stations. As I visit them, the owners express repeatedly that the content of our programs is important at the light of the increasing decay of the moral values that is taking place in the Dominican Republic. In some of these stations, the directors have been willing to distribute our booklet “Jesus Saves” among the radio listeners. Other twenty-four radio station where visited for the first time, and He opened the doors in 13 stations! The owners of the other eleven stations received the samples and I will be making the follow up. As the owner of a secular station in La Romana heard the sample of the programs, he said, “The Directors of the radio stations in this country have not understand yet that the radio waves should be used to bring positive messages to our audiences. Unfortunately, many of the music and the radio programs available are contributing to promote the immorality”.

It is interesting that some of the stations that were added to our database are secular with very high ratings. That is the case with a station in Bavaro. The slogan of this station is, “The media with the greatest coverage all over the province of Altagracia”. It took around nine months to have a meeting with the owner, but once he heard the quality and the message of the programs, he immediately agreed to air them. Praise the Lord the Gospel is proclaimed through nineteen provinces in sixty-five radio stations approximately 600 times per week. Certainly, our desire is to reach radio listeners with the powerful message of the Gospel, but as I visit radio stations, my prayer is that God would open doors to witness to the people at the radio stations. Couple of months ago I visited a station in the region of El Seibo. Gensy, who is the owner of the radio station and had already listened to our short program in another station, received me in his office. As I explained the purpose of our programs, he said the he was interested in airing this kind of programs in his station since he is a believer. During our conversation, he confessed that he strayed away from God’s ways. For the next forty-five minutes, we were able to talk about spiritual matters and I encouraged him to resolve his spiritual condition before the Lord. My prayer is that just as this man had the opportunity to restore his relationship with his savior, many people more will be able to do the same as they listen to our programs.

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