A new missionary representing for first time our ministry in Ecuador

For several years the broadcasting of our programs have been increasing in Ecuador. By the end of 2013 we had already 16 radio stations included in our data base. It was hard to believe that this number of stations were airing the programs in spite of the fact that we do not have a missionary representing our ministry in this country. Since last year, the Board of Director of Spanish World Ministries approved the project to have a missionary representing our ministry in Ecuador. After a long period of praying and searching for God’s will to find the right person to represent the ministry, God led us to Leopoldo and Stella Mino. In 1991, Leopoldo decided to serve the Lord full time. He traveled to Argentina to study in Word of Life, and while he was studying at the Institute, he met Stella. Few years later they got married and the Lord blessed them with two daughters. They both have served the Lord in different ministries in Ecuador.

At the beginning of March, Leopoldo and Stella joined our ministry. Couple of weeks later, we received an email from a radio listener that lives in Ecuador. Through this email this man reflected a desperate need of Christ. Through some email conversations, this listener shared his struggle with homosexuality. Our missionary, Leopoldo Miño, was able to meet him personally. After a long conversation about spiritual matters, this man realized that he was deceived by Satan as he searched for the true love in same sex relationships. He decided to trust in Christ as his personal Savior, and asked God for his forgiveness. Another listener contacted Leopoldo and shared that he was dealing with difficult issues in his marriage. Leopoldo visited him and had a personal conversation with this man. During this conversation, this man shared his struggles with the hope of having advice from God’s Word to fix the problems in his marriage. The following weekend, Leopoldo and Stella went to visit the listener’s wife. Evidently she was seriously considering to end her marriage. After listening to the biblical advices from Leopoldo and Stella, she realized that God would have the power to restore their relationship. They both accepted the invitation to attend Leopoldo’s church. Praise the Lord, this couple have shown a sincere desire to let the Lord work in their lives.

We are thankful to the Lord because through 16 radio stations that air our programs, people with all sorts of conflicts related to their sinful nature, can have the opportunity to restore their relationship with God through the person of Jesus Christ, and in the process, to restore their relationship with those around them.

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