A new radio station that broadcast from the jail has been added to our database in Colombia

Our missionary, Luis Prada, keeps searching for more opportunities to have the Gospel proclaimed through radio. As a result of his efforts, eleven radio stations have been added to our data base in Colombia. The Lord has opened a great opportunity of ministry through some military radio stations. A sergeant in charge of one of these stations was interested in having a religious segment every day. Originally he contacted the local parish asking if a priest would be willing to speak a 15 minute segment. The parish clerk said that there was no one available for such task. Providentially, few days later, Luis called the sergeant offer him some samples of our programs. As he heard the samples, he immediately agreed to broadcast the programs every weekday. The station is located in the region of Putumayo, but the station has a powerful transmitting antenna that reaches zones of difficult access in the jungle. It means that the Gospel will be reaching areas where missionaries cannot have easy access. There are also other difficult places such as jails, where inmates live their lives without any hope. Ten years ago, Luis was involved in jail ministry. During that time he had the opportunity to meet a believer that worked as a warden. Recently Luis found out that this prison has its own radio station and that the guard that he met years ago is in charge of the radio station that broadcast from the jail. Luis was able to contact him to introduce our programs, and he accepted to air the programs. This penitentiary was built having in mind around 1,000 inmates. Currently the population in this place is above 3,000. The overcrowding of this place creates all sort of violence every day. Our hope and prayer is that many inmates will find in Christ the peace that they need in spite of the fear and lack of hope that comes as a result of living in a place like this.

Couple of months ago, a radio listener that hear our programs from a jail in the province of Santander, contacted our missionary sharing the following testimony: “Hello, I am very glad to be able to listen your programs. Unfortunately I cannot attend the church because I am incarcerated for a crime that I never committed. I will appreciate if you can contact me”. Luis Prada was able to contact this inmate, and at the end of their conversation this man said: “I listen to your programs every day. Thank you very much for contacting me and for your interest and prayers as I deal with this difficult time of affliction”. Praise the Lord our programs are broadcasted 2,800 times per week, through 300 radio stations. Our confidence is that many people all over Colombia are confronted with the powerful message of salvation in Christ, and that many believers that are going through difficult trials, are finding the peace that they need as they hear the exposition of God’s Word.

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