In Bolivia radio remains the number one true medium

In Bolivia, just as in every country in Latin America, radio remains the number one true medium. The authorities in this country, aware of this reality, are reinforcing certain regulations that include the loyalty from the owners of the stations to the current government. If these new regulations would be implemented, approximately 500 private stations would lose their licenses. This measure would affect all of the Christian stations that broadcast our programs, and several of the secular stations included in our database. As a ministry, our trust and hope do not rely in human authorities, but in the sovereign God that has called us to take the message of the Gospel to the uttermost part of this world. It is with this confidence, that our missionary Pedro Salces keeps searching for more radio stations willing to air the programs. Within the last four months, he contacted approximately 50 stations in different regions of the country.

Many of these contacts were obtain thanks to a strategy that Pedro has been developing within the last two years. Since Pedro provides seminars and workshops related to voice modulation, breathing and vocalization techniques, among many other tools useful for the media productions, companies related to radio and TV invite him to train their employees and/or people that have to stand in front of a microphone. Pedro must travel through different regions of Bolivia to provide these training programs. This strategy has opened many opportunities to spread the proclamation of the Gospel all over this country. Few months ago, Pedro was invited to train about 40 communicators in San Ignacio Velazco, near the border with Brazil. Among the people that attended the seminar, about 12 were newscasters.

Pedro giving samples to the owner of a radio station in El Chapare
Pedro giving samples to the owner of a radio station in El Chapare

At the end of the event, he was able to share about the programs that we produce and gave over 15 samples to broadcasters. As a result of this event, two secular stations accepted to air our programs. The influence of the traditional religion in this region is evident because during the time of the colony, the Jesuits established several missions in these regions. El Chapare is another region located 250 miles from Santa Cruz. This place is well known for the high production of cocaine. About 90% of the cocaine produced is exported to other countries, including the U.S.; therefore, to this region and have access to owners of radio station is a very difficult task. But God used the oil company “YPBF Andina” to have our missionary Pedro Salces visiting these regions. He was invited to give a three-day workshop to 25 people related to radio and T.V. The last day of the workshop he offer samples of our programs and the employees from ten radio station accepted the samples. One station immediately accepted to air the programs and several others would be considering including them within the next months. We thank God because through Pedro’s efforts, two regions of Bolivia were many people are living without the eternal hope in Christ are hearing through the radio about the gift of salvation through Christ.

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