Colombia is leading the data base in regards to the number of stations airing the programs

At the end of 2005, almost 65 stations were broadcasting our programs in Colombia. Ten years later, through 305 stations the Gospel is reaching thousands of ears and hearts! This country is leading the database in regards to the number of stations airing the programs. It means that 2,889 times per week our programs are heard in Colombia. What a wonderful privilege and responsibility the Lord has entrusted us. Lives are touched and believers are encouraged to share their faith as the programs are transmitted through secular stations in large cities and in small towns where there is no presence of Christian churches through the sponsorship of local churches.

Maria receiving Christian literature to help her to Grow spiritually
Maria receiving Christian literature to help her to Grow spiritually

Maria, who recently contacted us, is a powerful testimony of how God can speak to the hearts as our programs are broadcasted. For many years, she was involved in Scientology. As she began to listen to our programs through a local secular radio station, she realized that there were huge differences between what she had learned for years through the readings and teaching at the Scientology place and what she learned about the Bible and God through our programs. Eventually she started to grow spiritually as she heard our programs. The Holy Spirit worked in her heart and she decided to trust Christ as her personal Savior and attended a Christian church with sound doctrine. Since that decision, her son, who still heavy involved in Scientology, has decided not to talk to her any more. In spite of the opposition of her son, her life has changed and as result of her change, she is hungry for God’s Word. Our missionary Luis Prada has provided her with Christian books to help her to keep growing in her spiritual life.

We are thankful to the Lord because many believers committed with the Great Commission are using our materials to take the Gospel in other ways to people that need hear about Christ. Santiago is a leader in a local church in the town of Cucuta. As he heard our programs through a local Christian radio station, he realized that he was growing more in his spiritual life. One day the Lord laid in his heart the desire to share our programs with inmates in a jail where he is doing ministry every month. Therefore, he contacted us requesting for some literature and Cds to bring to the jail. Luis supplied him with several CD’s to share with the inmates. Santiago was very thankful because our programs are not only a blessing for his spiritual life, but also because they will be a helpful material to share the message of salvation with several inmates in the jail.

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