Chile represents a huge challenge for our ministry in terms of assisting the local churches

Chile, with a population of 18 million, is a multi-ethnic society that reflects a strong indifference to spiritual matters. According to the 2012 census, almost 67% of its population claimed to be Roman Catholic. Other 13 percentage are considered atheists or agnostics, and approximately 16% of the population claims to be Evangelical. The percentage of Evangelicals seems high in comparison with other Latin America countries, but the reality is that even among evangelicals there are two extremes. One hand there is a line of Christian churches that want to handle the Christian life with a strong legalistic system. On the other hand, a group of churches goes to the opposite side accepting every type of contemporary Christian music and establishing worship services where the emotions play an important role. Usually in this second group, a consistent exposition of the Bible is evident. Chile represents a huge challenge for our ministry in terms of assisting the local churches in the task of proclaiming the Gospel. Maybe true Biblical Christianity in Chile is not a huge number, but certainly, God still using His people to reach others with the Good News of salvation in Christ. That is the case with the owner of the secular station Radio Pinamar107.9. This station is located in La Serena, but its waves also reach the town of Coquimbo. Between both towns, its audience reaches approximately 400,000 people. According to a recent survey, this station has one of the highest ratings in all the country of Chile. For over two years, this believer has been used by the Lord to take the Gospel to people that need to hear about Christ.

Few months ago, Andres Carrasco visited a suburb of Santiago known as San Bernardo. With a population of approximately 280,000 people, the pastor of a local church has the desire to reach as many people as possible. Understanding that a small congregation would not be able to reach all the population of San Bernardo, the pastor decided to install a radio station. The next challenge was to be able to obtain radio programs with sound doctrine and with a clear presentation of the Gospel. Thanks to a list of radio stations that our missionary in Chile, Andres Carrasco, obtained through the Association of Communitarian Radio Stations, he contacted the pastor of this church in San Bernabe, and now the Gospel is heard in this suburban area of Santiago.

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