Our missionary in the Dominican Republic, is encouraging churches to make use of the radio waves to reach effectively more people with the Gospel

One of the greatest challenges that our missionaries have is the lack of interest from many churches in Latin America to make use of the radio waves to reach more people with the Gospel. Quite often the believers do not consider radio since the air time is expensive, and most of the times the churches do not have the resources to produce the programs and at the same time have to pay for their broadcasting. Our missionary Smaily Rosario, in the Dominican Republic, is encouraging churches to make use of the radio waves to reach effectively more people with the Gospel. His church, Iglesia Cristiana Ebenezer, launched an evangelistic outreach making use of social media, and one important resource for this church was our radio programs. Within one year, our short programs were heard over 1200 times. Eventually, Smaily encouraged his church to invest some resources to launch an online radio station. Once again, thanks to our materials, this church decided to take the challenge and created a radio station. This church is fulfilling the Great Commission not only in their own Jerusalem, and our programs have become an important tool for their outreach. Smaily has been also trying to establish contact with other churches, and praise the Lord the pastors from a couple of large churches with sound doctrine, in San Pedro Macoris, were willing to have Smaily sharing with their congregation about the impact of using our App for smart devices as an effective evangelist tool.

There are regions in this country where Satan has deceived the minds and the hearts of thousands of people though deceiving tales. For example, in the town of Bayaguana, a little girl discovered in 1606, the image of the Christ of Bayaguana. As soon as this image was discovered, the mother of this girl recovered her sight. For over four hundred centuries, people has believed that Christ can be present in a piece of wood. Nevertheless, every year in the town of Bayaguana, thousands of people gets together to worship an image.

Smaily and his wife joined by their baby Rosmaily

Smaily is fully aware about the importance of spreading the Gospel all over the Dominican Republican. That is why besides visiting churches, Smaily is constantly searching for radio stations in different regions of the Dominican Republic willing to broadcast our programs. God is opening doors in more stations as Smaily introduce our programs. Several directors of Christian and secular radio stations find in our programs the kind of messages that the society needs to hear. Through 123 radio stations, the Gospel is heard 915 times, thanks to the efforts of the Rosarios, and to the faithful financial and spiritual support of churches and believers.

Smaily and his wife Rosanna are serving in different areas with Spanish World Ministries. They are also serving as leaders in a local church in San Pedro Macoris.

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