The task of finding new outlets in Ecuador for the broadcasting of our programs has been a real challenge for our missionary

Leopoldo introducing our Programs to the owner of a radio station

The task of finding new outlets in Ecuador for the broadcasting of our programs has been a real challenge for our missionary Leopoldo. Within the first quarter of this year, 71 secular radios stations were visited. Most of the owners of these stations were reluctant to accept our programs because their profit would be less if they give either three or fifteen minutes for free to broadcast a programs that would bring hope to people in this country. But we are thankful to the Lord because He touched the hearts of the owners of four radio stations. The owner of Radio Gaviota, in the town of Manta, said that he never accept to air programs without charging, but when he heard the quality and the message in our programs, he said that his audience needed to hear the positive messages that our programs promote. The owner of another radio station in the town of Shell agreed to air both programs.

Why should we praise the Lord for only four station in the first quarter of this month? Because many people in these regions do not know the truth about God as the creator of this earth, and about Christ as the only Savior. The station broadcasting from the town of Shell reaches two provinces, Pastaza, with a population of 84,000 people, and Napo, with 104,000. Most of the people in these two regions have three ways to approach to spirituality. The first one is based on the traditional religion brought by the Spaniards during the conquest. It means that they do believe in Christ, but when it comes to their salvation, this is obtained not by grace but by works. The second way is by the beliefs of the ancient indigenous religions. It means that they trust in the “spirits” that live in the forest. There are deities like Etsa, who represent the good and Iwia, who represents the evil. Nunkui is the one who provides for the fertility of the land and the women. In smaller magnitude, but there is a third approach to spirituality among the people in Ecuador. A good number of people are loyal to the traditions imposed by the Catholic Church, but they remain trusting and worshiping the indigenous beliefs. This creates a strong form of worship called Folk Catholicism.

Through a single radio station, we are making know that Christ is the only Savior in the provinces of Pastaza and Napo. The total population in these provinces is 188,000. May be not all of them will hear our programs. But we are certain that as the Gospel is proclaimed in these regions, there will be some that will respond to the message of salvation. We thank the Lord because thanks to Leopoldo’s efforts, the doors in Radio Interoceanica, in the town of Shell. What a blessing it is to know that people in Ecuador are exposed to the exposition of His Word through 28 radio stations, and that our programs are on the air 323 times every week.

Leopoldo along with his family are actively serving the Lord in their local church in different areas. They are also involved helping and teaching in youth camps and other evangelistic outreaches.

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