SWM Missionary Conference

Punta Cana, October 9 – 16

Missionary Conference 2022

Despite lockdowns in the Spanish-speaking countries during the pandemic, the number of listeners over the Internet increased tremendously. While the world deals with new challenges, we realize that, as a ministry, we also must consider our challenges and seek answers from the Lord and His Word. His return is imminent, time does not stop, and the command to present the gospel message remains.

Considering the events that have taken place during the last two years, we must sharpen the focus of what the Lord would have us do, as we continue the ministry to millions in Latin America. For this, we desire to bring together our missionaries for our 8th missionary conference. This will take place from October 9th through the 16th in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

There are three specific goals for our missionaries and for all present: To be

Challenged by the exposition of God’s Word

Toward the end of the first century, the churches in Asia (Rev.2-3) were challenged to overcome the difficulties that assaulted and threatened their witness and ministry. Likewise, after a hiatus in what we had been accustomed as “the normal” in the work of the ministry, we are now being challenged to renew our calling as overcomers in Christ, to persevere in our witness and ministry, while we look forward to His eternal promises.

Encouraged by the reports of God’s work in each country

Many radio stations were shut down due to Covid-19. Several others cancelled our broadcasts. To visit churches was impossible, on account of the restrictions imposed by the authorities. Even with these obstacles, we ended 2021 with 2,540 (+65 radio stations than in December of 2019). Each missionary has stories about how God led them to expand the radio ministry. All this time, while several of them and their families were infected with the virus, and affected by the many limitations that came with it. Their reports will reflect God’s power to overcome those limitations.
To be refreshed with fellowship and relaxation

with all the Spanish World Ministries missionaries

For over two years, our missionaries have not taken time off. Fellowship with their co-laborers from other countries, time for each couple to rest, relax, and enjoy, while at the same time reflecting on the challenges from the Word, will provide a renewed sense of commitment for the task ahead. And the Lord Jesus said to his disciples: “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while” (Mk. 6:31).

We, at Spanish World Ministries

are praying and trusting in His provision for the financial resources that are needed for this conference to take place. We expect 22 missionary couples. The cost per couple is $3,400. This includes airfare, meals, lodging, and materials for the conference. Would you consider sponsoring one of them? If a full sponsorship is not possible, would you consider a partial sponsorship?

You can send your check to:

Spanish World Ministries
PO Box 542, Winona Lake,
IN 46590

Or you can donate on line

With the Lord’s provision through your response, He will enable us to bring about the goals that we seek to accomplish through this important event. If you have any question feel free to

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