Cornelius Rivera – Radio Voice and producer

Graduated from Washington Bible College (1971), Capital Bible Seminary (1976), Dallas Theological Seminary (1982) where he also studied in a doctoral program in Old Testament (1987).

He has ministered in the preaching area and pastorate in the United States and Guatemala; additionally he has served as Bible teacher in the Theological Seminary of Central America in Guatemala. Today he serves as an invited Professor in the Expository Preaching Seminary in Honduras.

Since 1991 until 2010, he served as Executive Director, Producer and voice of El Camino de la Vida programs. Since 2011, he serves as voice and radial producer and represents the ministry both in churches in United States as in Latin America.

Cornelio and his wife Aida live in Florida

God called me to the ministry of “El Camino de la Vida” at a time where I felt a heavy load for the labor of God’s servants in Spanish-speaking countries. For those who are born in the Hispanic culture, places where Spanish is spoken becomes our “own Jerusalem”. It is here where our mission must start. It is a great privilege and responsibility for me to have the opportunity to talk to thousands, or maybe millions of people about the importance of believing in God, repent of their sins and accept Christ as their personal savior. This opportunity is possible thanks to the production of our high quality radio programs. These programs are transmitted through over 1,700 radio stations, approximately 18,000 times per week. If only one person listens to one of these transmissions, it means that 18,000 people are exposed weekly to spiritual matters and to their need to establish a personal relationship with Christ. However, this achievement is far from being a personal accomplishment. Only one person cannot perform this work. God has prepared an entire team to fulfill this mission. Faithful believers committed with the Great Commission support our ministry through their prayers and financial support. Our staff efficiently carries out all the tasks involved with the administration and coordination of the ministry. Our national missionaries visit radio stations to promote our programs, and to encourage the directors to accept the transmission of the programs. Our missionaries also visit churches and believers to provide our programs as an evangelistic tool, and to encourage them to sponsor them through local radio stations. Everyone carries out the assigned tasks aiming that the ministry of the Gospel in the Spanish-speaking communities continues to move forward. What a privilege and responsibility to be part of this team! (Rom. 12:4-6)

Your faithfulness support our work

Six months ago, no one imagined that the world would find itself in the situation and limitations that are upon us now. The sense of self-complacency that permeates the human mind and spirit needs to come to the realization that one’s pursuits and achievements, without acknowledging the true God, are futile. King Nebuchadnezzar found that […]


His sovereign allowed it…

Dear friends: It is said of the two witnesses of Revelation 11, that they were given the power “to smite the earth with every plague, as often as they desire” (v.6). Are we saying that the current virus outbreak is God’s judgment upon the world population? Far from it, for “I am neither a prophet […]


Peace be with you

Dear brethren: As I write this, on this resurrection Sunday, our hearts are drawn to the words of the risen Lord when He first appeared to the fearful disciples: “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent me, so send I you” (John 20:21). Surely, it is because He completed His mission that those […]


C. Rivera Prayer Letter

Dear co-laborers in Christ: At my desk, before the computer, with my Bible open, day after day I study (Not a complaint. On the contrary! A tremendously enjoyable privilege!), and prepare an eleven minute expository and evangelistic message, or a two and half minute reflection on the affairs of our daily life, and what God […]


Fellow workers in Christ Jesus

  Doing God’s work leads us to others who are also His fellow workers, so that together we might join in furthering His work. When I first was asked to teach at the Seminary for Expository Preaching in Honduras, some seven years ago, I welcomed the opportunity to get back in the classroom. Preaching and […]


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