Dear brethren:

As I write this, on this resurrection Sunday, our hearts are drawn to the words of the risen Lord when He first appeared to the fearful disciples: “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent me, so send I you” (John 20:21). Surely, it is because He completed His mission that those who believe can have peace, and then be sent to accomplish theirs. We rejoice in, and seek to carry out, the mission of proclaiming peace to others through a personal belief in His death, burial, and resurrection, with the certainty of His return to fulfill all of His promises. This we have done through the years making use of radio. Today, more than 2300 stations carry this message to many hearts. In addition, over 15 thousand people have heard our short pre-evangelistic messages with our phone app the first quarter of this year.

Like the disciples of old, carrying out the mission requires determination while facing difficulties.

Our missionary, Francisco, in the midst of the political and social turmoil of Venezuela, writes of having had to travel by bus for fourteen hours, standing up, in order to retrieve food for church families and visit radio stations in the area. The rationing of electricity is causing some stations to shut down, and is also limiting communications and the supply of programs via internet. Nevertheless he reports that some of the stations visited agreed to our transmissions.

In Paraguay, Roberto, our missionary who translates and adapts our programs to Guarani (a native, but along with Spanish, an official language in Paraguay) reports that 114 stations transmit our programs in that language, besides those in Spanish. The Guarani outreach has resulted in a congregation being established in one of their communities, with periodic trips from a team from Roberto’s church to preach, teach, and seek to improve the living conditions of the Guarani community. You may have heard that an American missionary was recently assassinated, presumably by drug traffickers in a Guarani area. May the assurance of peace and the mission given by our Lord, not diminish the determination among those called to minister to the Guarani people. May every possible means be used to proclaim the resurrected Savior.

Aida and I plan to be in Paraguay in August. I will be teaching at the Evangelical College in the capital city of Asuncion and preaching in several churches. From there we will go to Lima, Peru, where my commentary on Ruth with translation and language helps for students of Hebrew, as well as with preaching points, is being readied for publication. We will have a conference there also, and almost immediately as we come back to the States we will go to Honduras for another teaching module at the Seminary for Expository Preaching. Once again, our prayer is for wisdom and understanding in the study and preaching of the Word; for clarity of mind, strength and health for our aging bodies; that we may be faithful participants in the accomplishment of His mission.
Thank you, to the many who have faithfully shared with us the Lord’s provision for these many years, so that we might do what He sent us out to do. Brethren, pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified (2 Thes.3:1).

Striving according to His power which mightily works within us (Col.1:29),

Cornelius and Aida Rivera

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