The fear of the injustice by terrorist group in Colombia

For several years, Colombia has suffered the presence of guerilla groups in different parts of the country. Since the establishment of the FARC (the military wing of the communist party) back in 1966, different regions suffered the fear of the injustice perpetrated by this terrorist group. Through the decades, the people in the town of Puerto Wilches, located in the northeast of this country, lived in constant fear as the FARC constantly occupied the city. Even though couple of years ago this terrorist group ceased to be an armed group, hundreds of dissidents got involved in drug trafficking. Therefore, this town, with a population of over 30,000, deals with the presence of drug dealers. Couple of months ago, our missionary Luis Prada traveled to this town in order to introduce our programs. Not knowing the location of the radio stations, he hired a bike taxi. The driver, after hearing the purpose of Luis’ visit, told him that he knew the location of four radio stations. He offered to wait for him to take him to these stations. After several hours visiting the owners of the radio stations, three of them agreed to air our programs. Luis was so thankful to the Lord for the help that this driver provided him. Without his help, probably people in this town would not have the opportunity to hear about the peace that God provides through Jesus Christ.

God used Luis and a taxi driver, to make possible that three radio stations would be the channels to proclaim the message of salvation. As you donate to Spanish World Ministries, you enable Luis and the rest of our missionaries in thirteen countries, to continue finding more outlets for the broadcasting of the Gospel. Any amount that the Lord leads you to give for the proclamation of the eternal salvation in Christ, will impact lives in places where people need to hear about the peace that he offers to those that trust Him.

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