Spreading the Good News! old

You can proclaim the Gospel to the Spanish speaking people by partnering with us! Help us spread the Good News through our materials by supporting our missionaries, our translating projects and special funds, so that we keep advancing the Gospel all over the Spanish speaking countries of our world!

Explore the different areas you can partner with us in.

Spanish World Ministries produces evangelistic radio programs

Radio Fund

Your gifts enable Spanish World Ministries to spread the message of salvation in Christ through the production and distribution of our radio programs among more than 1800 radio stations all over Latin America:

  • With $25 you can help us to bring the Gospel to 75 people
  • With $50 at least 150 people will be exposed to the message of the cross
  • With $75 over 225 people will hear that Christ is the Savior
  • With $100 you will make possible for 300 people to hear the Good News of salvation

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* If this is the first time you donate, you may sign up using an Email account or your Facebook account.
* If you are a recurring donor, sign in using the method (Email or Facebook account) you used to sign up.

Thank you for partnering with us, God bless you!

(You will be taken to Subsplash’s secure website to complete your donation. Thank you! If you have problems with the process at the Subsplash page, please contact us immediately at info@spanishworld.org or over the phone (574) 267-8821.)


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2. Then click on the ‘Next’ button.
3. On the next page:
* If this is the first time you donate, you may sign up using an Email account or your Facebook account.
* If you are a recurring donor, sign in using the method (Email or Facebook account) you used to sign up.

Thank you for partnering with us, God bless you!

Spanish World national missionaries serve across 15 countries in the Spanish speaking world

National Missionaries Fund

Your gifts enable our national missionaries to fulfil their responsibilities as they assist churches in their own countries in the task of proclaiming the Gospel and to edify those who believe. As they expand the number of stations broadcasting our programs, they supply the stations that have agreed to air them and provide them also to churches that use the programs as an evangelistic tool.

Spanish World Ministries Internet Outreach

Internet / App Fund

Your gifts allow us to enhance, maintain, and develop different tools for our free App “El Camino de la Vida”, social media pages, and our Spanish web site. All of this designed to reach the digital generation in the Spanish speaking world with the exposition of the Word through audio and reading material that can be downloaded over the Internet.

(You will be taken to Subsplash’s secure website to complete your donation. Thank you! If you have problems with the process at the Subsplash page, please contact us immediately at info@spanishworld.org or over the phone (574) 267-8821.)


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2. Then click on the ‘Next’ button.
3. On the next page:
* If this is the first time you donate, you may sign up using an Email account or your Facebook account.
* If you are a recurring donor, sign in using the method (Email or Facebook account) you used to sign up.

Thank you for partnering with us, God bless you!

(You will be taken to Subsplash’s secure website to complete your donation. Thank you! If you have problems with the process at the Subsplash page, please contact us immediately at info@spanishworld.org or over the phone (574) 267-8821.)


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2. Then click on the ‘Next’ button.
3. On the next page:
* If this is the first time you donate, you may sign up using an Email account or your Facebook account.
* If you are a recurring donor, sign in using the method (Email or Facebook account) you used to sign up.

Thank you for partnering with us, God bless you!

Spanish World national Cuba missionary serves across the island

Cuba Fund

Your gifts enable our Cuba missionary to fulfil the responsibility to assist churches in the task of proclaiming the Gospel and to edify those who believe, by visiting them accross the island.

Spanish World Ministries Quechua – Guarani Project

Quechua / Guarani Fund

Your gifts will enable us to translate, record, and distribute our programs targeting two groups that must hear the message in their own language. Quechua is spoken by over 8 million people in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Argentina. Although slight linguistic differences appear among the different regions, it is generally understood by all. Quechua is the third most spoken language in Latin America. Guarani is an official language for the 7 million Paraguayans along with Spanish. It is also spoken in Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia by an additional 5 million people.

(You will be taken to Subsplash’s secure website to complete your donation. Thank you! If you have problems with the process at the Subsplash page, please contact us immediately at info@spanishworld.org or over the phone (574) 267-8821.)


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2. Then click on the ‘Next’ button.
3. On the next page:
* If this is the first time you donate, you may sign up using an Email account or your Facebook account.
* If you are a recurring donor, sign in using the method (Email or Facebook account) you used to sign up.

Thank you for partnering with us, God bless you!

(You will be taken to Subsplash’s secure website to complete your donation. Thank you! If you have problems with the process at the Subsplash page, please contact us immediately at info@spanishworld.org or over the phone (574) 267-8821.)


1. Please, fill in the amount first.
2. Then click on the ‘Next’ button.
3. On the next page:
* If this is the first time you donate, you may sign up using an Email account or your Facebook account.
* If you are a recurring donor, sign in using the method (Email or Facebook account) you used to sign up.

Thank you for partnering with us, God bless you!

Spanish World Ministries' Launch Pad

General Fund

Our “General Fund” is as important as the Radio, Missionaries, and Internet Outreach funds. It is through this resource that we are able to maintain the office building, pay for supplies, telephone, utilities, insurance, salaries, social security and Medicare taxes, and make up for the deficits in other funds.

Financially and strategically, the General Fund is the launch pad that allows us to go forth with the different areas of ministry in which we are involved. Any non-designated contribution goes to help “the Good General” to accomplish this.