Paraguay – Roberto & Dolly Acuña

As in Bolivia and Guatemala, and Uruguay, the government cracked down on unregistered radio stations. Some of those closed affected our programs. In spite of this, in Paraguay, Roberto has worked very hard so as to have an actual increase in the number of stations. He has made several trips to other towns, including one across the border to one of the Argentina provinces. The Lord has blessed Roberto with the ability to pay attention to detail, and be very conscientious about doing follow up with stations, churches, and listeners. This, in addition to his visits to pastor’s meetings and conferences opens up a number of doors in finding stations willing to air our broadcasts. There seems to be quite receptivity to our programs in Paraguay, and we thank God for that, as well as for the Acuñas work in taking advantage of the opportunities. In 2011 we went from 235 to 246 stations.

Andres Carrasco (Chile), Pedro & Kitty Salces (Bolivia), Roberto Acuña (Paraguay) at COICOM 2011

In November Roberto and our missionaries from Chile and Bolivia attended COICOM, the largest gathering of Christian leaders from different countries of Latin America. This year this event took place in Asuncion. As a result of their efforts they were able to establish contact with more than 60 people related with Christian radio and secular radio stations, besides introducing our programs to pastors and leaders of different denominations.

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