“Woe to me if i do not preach the Gospel” 1 Cor 9:16

The events around the world clearly indicate that in the matter of the preaching of the gospel there is no time to waste. At Spanish World Ministries we know how urgent this is in Latin America. The perennial problems of poverty, political instability, and unemployment are now made worse by widespread drug trafficking and the power struggle among cartels. Safety from the violence, and survival in failed economies often plagued with corrupt governments are of great concern to the population. People look for answers and cry out for change. Politicians make promises and radical voices call for revolution and justice. Socially, the traditional church has failed to bring about moral and spiritual change. A new wave of unscrupulous “preachers” promise peace and prosperity while they build magnificent structures and amass personal fortunes. We know that the root of the problem is spiritual and that the answer lies in the gospel. But people need to hear the message! Will we have another year to proclaim this truth? Thank God for allowing us to preach through radio and through our national missionaries, that many might hear.

In Colombia, Ana, who lives with her family in a small town in the province of Sardinata tells us that without an evangelical church in their town, the only way to learn more about God was through the radio. For years the family listened to our program “El Camino de la Vida” (The way of Life), and one day the whole family made a decision to receive Christ. Today all of their children are walking with the Lord. One of the girls is a pastor’s wife. Another daughter says that she remembers that the transmission of the program was early in the morning, and that their parents used to wake them up to listen to the Bible teaching. Missionary Luis Prada knows that there are many other places in his country where the only gospel witness for thousands is through the radio. Thus, he urgently looks to add to the already 170 stations that transmit the message in cities, towns, as well as in isolated communities in Colombia.

In Honduras, Nixon, a young man trying to overcome the poverty of the mountain town where he grew up, went to the capital city to go to school. There he heard the gospel through El Camino De La Vida Church, where our missionary Melvin Zelaya ministers. Nixon accepted the Savior and began to be discipled by the Zelaya brothers. Soon after, he expressed the desire to be a preacher. More study and training followed, while having opportunities to preach in the rural churches and accompany Melvin to find more stations to add to the 120 already broadcasting our programs in Honduras. Along with others Nixon became involved in a leader training course taught by our missionary. Three years after having heard that Christ is the answer and having received the Savior, he is now a pastor. He divides his time between the rural congregations of El Renuevo and Tegucigalpita. His mother, initially opposed to his new found faith, has recently trusted Christ. Will we have another year to preach the gospel in Latin America? At Spanish World we are committed to the task. With Paul we exclaim: “Woe is me if I do not preach the Gospel” (1 Cor 9;16).

Please pray for us, specifically that we might be able to continue the ministry through radio and national missionaries without interruption. Join us into thousands of places and proclaim to millions the truth that Christ is the answer. This is an urgent matter!

Thank you for visiting our web site!

Daniel Sandoval


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