Winona Lake – Daniel Sandoval

Daniel Sandoval

This year has represented a whole new blessing as the Lord called me to the position of Director of this ministry. Even though most of my responsibilities have to do with administrative aspects, it is a privilege to know that many people are exposed to the Gospel on a daily basis, and that souls are saved as a result of the radio programs. Holding accountable our missionaries is a responsibility that I must fulfill almost on a daily basis. Praise the Lord the Internet has been a vital tool to keep in touch with each one of our missionaries. The goal is to make sure that the missionaries are having the necessary resources to continue the task that they have been called to do. At the same time, it is important to invest time to pray for the struggles that they face as they seek to expand the number of outlets to air our programs, therefore it is important to give words of encouragement, and why not, even times of fellowship through our conversations.  Ending our calls with a word of prayer, or a passage from the Scriptures, give them the assurance that their ministry is covet with the spiritual support of those of us who work at the headquarters. One of the greatest challenges is to have more churches and believers supporting the proclamation of the Gospel through our programs. I praise the Lord because I have been able to share about Spanish World in several churches. At the end of June I had the opportunity to attend IFCA annual conference. Several pastors showed interest in learning more about our ministry.

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