Eduardo Peirano – July 2012

Eduardo with the director of a radio station

Six radio stations have been visited within the last three months. Three of them were visited for the first time and the owners have confirmed their transmission. Our prayer is that they will agree to have the programs on a regular basis. Another station that cancelled the transmission of our programs was visited. After a conversation with the director, he agreed to include them again in their regular broadcast. I praise the Lord that this station was recovered since its coverage reaches the southern part of Brazil and some regions in the eastern part of Argentina. Knowing that many souls are exposed to the message of salvation through our programs, we continue searching for more places to introduce our programs.
One of the difficulties that we find as we visit radio station is the lack of transportation. For several years we have been praying for the urgent need to have a vehicle.
Praise the Lord, a couple of months ago He answered this need and I was able to acquire a ’95 car.

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