Fernando and Vanina Fiordelli – May 2013

Gauchito Gil
Gauchito Gil

Argentina is the second largest country of Latin America.  A majority of its population claims to be Roman Catholic, but only a small percentage attends services regularly. Yet, there are strong roots attached to the traditions brought by the Spaniards. The Great Commision remains to be fulfilled as millions of Argentinians continue to walk in darkness. This can be seen in the many that worship “Gauchito Gil”, an image who has thousands of devotees all over Argentina. The legend says that  Antonio Gil was a worshiper of the “Santa Muerte” (The Holy Death). On the day that he died, he predicted that a miracle would take place, and tradition says that it happened as he said it would.  Since Antonio died, every day, thousand of worshipers vist his tomb, especially on the anniversary of his death (January the 8th).

Fernando handing samples of the programs to the owner of a radio station in the Town of General Roca
Fernando handing samples of the programs to the
owner of a radio station in the Town of General Roca

Along the roads and highways one can see niches with the image of Gauchito Gil where people, specially in rural areas, come to ask the idol for favors.  The syncretism in this worship is seen in the presence of a cross along with the red-caped idol.
There are hundreds (maybe thousands) of small towns in those areas where no gospel witness is present.  “How will those people walking in darkness come to the knowledge of the Lord if they do not hear about the true meaning of the cross, and Jesus’ sacrifice?”

Our missionaries Fernando and Vanina Fiordelli travel along many of those highways in order to visit radio stations to offer to them, and supply them with, our programs. But Argentina is a big country.
Please pray for greater openings for this ministry.

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