Pedro Salces – May 2013

Pedro Salces sharing about our radio programs with a group of pastors
Pedro Salces sharing about our radio programs with a group of pastors

Countries throughout Latin America deal with all sorts of socio-political and economical struggles, and Bolivia is not the exception since it ranks at or near the bottom among Latin American countries in several areas of health and development, including poverty, education, fertility, malnutrition, mortality, and life expectancy. Bolivia’s income disparity is the highest in Latin America and one of the highest in the world. After the election in December 2005, the indigenous majority expected that the country’s traditional political class would lose its dominion over the society in this country. However, controversial political strategies have exacerbated racial and economic tensions between the Amerindian populations of the Andean west and the non-indigenous communities of the eastern lowlands.  All these situations provide a pessimist future for the people in this country.

As a ministry, our desire and commitment is to reach as many people as possible all over Bolivia with the true message of hope in Christ, and our missionary Pedro Salces is working hard to ensure that this message finds its way into many hearts. God’s blessing has been evident on Pedro’s efforts as our programs are broadcasted in all of the departments (states) of Bolivia, reaching 62 of the 116 provinces through 127 stations.

During the first quarter of this year, Pedro has visited eight new stations, and six of them agreed to air our programs. Besides visiting stations and supplying the programs to those that agree to air them, he also encourages pastors and leaders to use our materials as an evangelistic tool.

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