Luis Prada – May 2013

Luis Prada with Mr. Granados
Luis Prada with Mr. Granados

God is clearly prospering Luis’ dedication and efforts to expand the outreach of our radio ministry in Colombia.  In the last four months Luis visited 14 radio stations for the very first time and all agreed to include the messages in their program-ming.   We thank God for our missionaries’ sensitivity to the different ways in which He provides opportunities to introduce the programs. In November Luis contacted Mr. Granados, the director of a radio station located 24 hours away (by bus) from Luis’ hometown.  During their conversation, Mr. Granados told Luis that at that time he was visiting his parents in Toledo, located just four hours from Luis, and that he would be willing to have a personal conversation with Luis if he would travel to Toledo. Luis realized that God was giving him the opportunity to introduce the programs to the director of an important station located at one day’s travel, but in this case, he only needed to make a four hour trip. After a good time on conversation and Colombian coffee, this man decided not only to air our long programs, but he informed Luis that within a few months he will be transferred to establish another radio station, and that he would want to have our programs once he is transferred.  In addition, Mr. Granados gave Luis contact information for another radio station in another town.  A four hour trip produced a new station and the possibility of another two transmitting in the near future.  In the same visit to Toledo Luis dropped by three other stations that already transmit our short programs, and left samples of our long broadcasts.  Pray that they will be receptive to airing them as well.

In keeping with our purpose of assisting local churches in the task of proclaiming the Gospel, Luis visits pastors to introduce our programs.  When he visited a pastor in the town of “Villa del Rosario”, this pastor agreed to sponsor the programs in a local radio station and now the people in this town are having the opportunity to hear the plan of salvation. Eventually this pastor realized that radio is an effective way to reach more people with the Gospel, therefore he decided to install a radio station. Praise the Lord that because of Luis’ efforts, more people every month are hearing the gospel through a constant increase in the number of stations airing the broadcasts.

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