God is blessing our constant efforts to increase the proclamation of the Gospel in Honduras.
In the first part of this year more than ten radio stations have been visited for the first time, and eight of them accepted to air our programs.
In addition, Melvin seeks to make our programs available to local churches so that they can use them as an evangelistic tool.

He was invited to a camp organized by a group of Baptist churches and besides preaching the Word, he was able to establish contact with several pastors. Among them, one who pastors in “Islas de la Bahia” (the Bay Islands) off the northern coast of Honduras. He took a number of program samples in order to search for radio stations willing to air the broadcasts in that area.
Melvin also coordinates the pastoral work in four churches that we have in Honduras. Besides training leaders for these churches, Melvin is directly involved in preaching the gospel. As a result, Cynthia (pictured at right) recognized Jesus as her personal savior.

Nohemi, another lady that attends the church in “Casitas”, grew up in an enviroment of traditions contradicting the real Bible message, but after the exposition of the Word at the church, and a personal conversation with Melvin, Nohemí accepted Christ.
Our programs are a helpful tool that Melvin is using with Cynthia, Noehmí, and many others for evangelism as well as Bible instruction.