Ernesto Zelaya – May 2013

Ernesto supplying programs to the director of a radio stations
Ernesto supplying programs to the director of a radio stations

Supplying our programs to 140 stations in this country, plus others in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama, is not an easy task. For the last few years God has also opened up opportunities to reach people not only through radio, but through the establishment of congregations in places where there is a lack of churches with sound doctrine.  The Lord has provided us with wonderful teamwork in Honduras.

These two brothers, Melvin and Ernesto, oversee both, the radio and pastoral ministries. While Melvin visits radio stations and oversees the congregations, Ernesto duplicates and supplies programs to all the stations. This involves constant record keeping and update of our data base. Ernesto also preaches at the church in Tegucigalpa and at other times in “Casitas” and at “El Renuevo”.  Another important aspect of our ministry in Honduras is the work teams from the United States that go to minister to the people in the rural areas where the churches are located. A group of ladies went to “El Renuevo” to minister to the church families; another group went to “Casitas” to install the roof and the windows, and still another one went to provide medical assistance.

The believers are greatly blessed with these teams, but they are also great opportunities to show God’s love to people that do not know Him.  Ernesto is heavily involved in coordinating such visits.

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