David and Alejandra Franco – October 2013

Knowing how difficult it is to find sponsors for our programs in radio stations, I am seeking to make our material available not only through radio, but through other means. Thanks to the creation of a data base of pastors and churches, I sent an e-mail to church leaders to promote our ministry. Eighteen pastors replied expressing their interest in our programs.

One church will be giving CD’s with programs to visitors and new believers. Other pastors will use them with loud speakers on the streets. Others will use them through Internet. I thank the Lord that He is allowing us to accomplish our mission in assisting the churches in the task of proclaiming the Gospel, as well as giving the message to many who walk without any hope for eternity. Carlos sent me an e-mail saying:

“Accepting Jesus has been a unique experience. I cannot find words to describe what I feel in my heart. Maybe you have heard this before, but my life had no purpose. Just a few minutes ago I was in despair, planning to end my life since I did not have any reason to live. While searching the Internet I found your web page, and I read one of your articles. That reading made me realize the purpose of Christ’s death on the cross, and at that moment I trusted Him as my Savior. I received the best gift that I have ever had. I have the assurance that Jesus is in my heart and that I will spend eternity with Him. I now desire to learn about God and to walk in His ways”.

With a testimony such as this, as a ministry we are trying to develop new tools making use of technology. Please pray for the development of two important projects to make available the message of the Gospel through Internet. There is no doubt that millions, all over the Spanish speaking world are, like Carlos was, living without any purpose and hope. We desire to ensure that the message of salvation in Christ will be available for those that need answers.

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