Roberto and Doly Acuña – October 2013

Roberto and Doly Acuña
Roberto with the owner of a station in Tobatí

God continues to bless our efforts as several stations in different regions of Paraguay are broadcasting the programs. In my travels through different cities I find places where people of all ages are living without any joy or hope for the future.

The town of Tobatí has a population of 27,000. The main activity is the production of building materials using traditional methods. First, the products are ground in wooden churns powered by horses or mules walking in circles around the mill.

Then, workers form the tiles and bricks in hand made molds, and place them in the sun to dry. In the final step the products are cooked in wood fired kilns for 24 hours or more. A recent study revealed that 70% of the employees are children.

For helping in some aspect of the production of 2,000 bricks, each child receives $1.00 U.S. dollar. Besides the constant accidents, many of these children never finish their studies since they must work to help with the needs of their families.

While in that town, I saw how difficult is for many families, especially for children, to hope for a better future under their present conditions. In Tobatí, I visited several radio stations and two of them agreed to air our programs. We pray that through the broadcasts, many adults and children will realize their need of Christ as they listen while they work. Hopefully they will discover the joy and peace that He gives to those that trust in Him.

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