Believer testifies that Cornelio Rivera’s teachings are continuously heard between the border of Uruguay and Argentina

During the first quarter of the year I have visited twelve radio stations. Although none of them accepted to air the programs, three stations that canceled their transmission were recovered. It is quite disappointing when I travel several miles to introduce our programs, only to find out that the only radio station in town is just a relay station. That was the case few months ago as I traveled to the town of Santa Rosa. The employees told me that even though the material was good, there was nothing they could to broadcast our materials. I left them some Cd’s and encourage them to hear them. The pastor of a local church who took me to the radio station told me that he would like to use the programs every Sunday with a loud speaker in a local market. I was invited also to come back to organize an evangelistic outreach for children. Toledo, another town 22 miles far from Montevideo, has two communitarian radio stations. As I visited the owner of these stations, he told me that unfortunately religious material is not allowed in this type of stations. But he said that he was interested in having the programs for his personal use. So I gave him several CD’s with our programs trusting that he could have a personal relationship with Christ.

Few months ago I was invited to give a workshop focused on sharing the Gospel to children. This took place in the town of Colon, in the Border with Argentina. Praise the Lord, twenty four young people attended this event. After the training, this group had the opportunity to apply what they learned as we went to a local park. In this place they made different evangelistic activities and eleven children accepter Christ as their personal savior. Now this church will be doing the follow up with the children and their families. After this event, I visited other two churches to encourage them to sponsor the programs in a local radio station. One believer that attends one these churches told me that they are using our materials in a local station in Argentina and that a lot of listeners like to hear the Bible teachings offered by Cornelius Rivera. So it was an encouragement to know that the Word is reaching the hearts of people in the border of Argentina and Uruguay.

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