Broadcasts impact lives in Paraguay, audios are constantly requested on radio stations

Within the first quarter of the year, five new stations were visited and three of them agreed to broadcast the programs. Other sixteen radio stations that already air the programs where supplied with new CD’s. When we visit stations that are already included in our data base, it is a blessing when directors express their gratitude for our programs. That was the case with a radio station in the town of San Jose, where I was invited to speak to its audience and to explain more about the purpose of our ministry. I took the opportunity to share some biblical principles with the trust that God would touch the hearts of those that were listening to the interview. In the town of Itagua, the director of another station told me that there are people constantly calling the station requesting for copies of our three minute programs. I was able to give her several CD’s with 50 short programs each to be given to the radio listeners. What a blessing to know that His Word is reaching the hearts of people through radio!

Roberto with a radio listener from Argentina

Few months ago a lady that listened to our programs in Argentina sent an email to the address at the end of our programs. In this email she was requesting some material for her spiritual growth. This lady has brother in Asuncion that is facing a difficult time with cancer. As she traveled to this city, my wife and I had the opportunity to visit her and provide her with some literature and to pray for her and her brother. She expressed her gratitude for our programs and said that through the Bible teaching in each one of our programs she is constantly reminded about God’s faithfulness and about the importance of living her life according to what the Bible says. It was a wonderful blessing to have the opportunity to hear personally the testimony of a person whose life has been impacted through our radio programs.

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