The Lord opens new doors in cities of Chile where sorcery and drugs are predominant

During these last years the number of stations airing our programs has increased tremendously. Today the Gospel is heard in every region of Chile through 156 radio stations. During the first quarter of this year 17 radio stations in different regions were visited for the first time, and six of them accepted the programs! Couple of months ago I visited a pastor that owns a Christian radio station. The station is located in a poor neighborhood were the drug dealers have control of the streets. As I was getting near to the radio station I could feel the presence of the drug smugglers watching me suspiciously from the other side of the street. As I was walking through the sidewalk I was thinking the importance of having our programs broadcasting in this type of neighborhoods. Unfortunately the drugs are not the only problem in Santiago.

Andres with a pastor in Talagante
Andres with a pastor in Talagante

Traditions related to ancient Indian groups remain present in certain regions near the capital. That is the case in the town of Talagante (15 miles far from Santiago), where witchcraft and sorcery remain present in the town. It is interesting to know that the name of this area derives from the word “Talacanta”, in Quechua language means: “Sorcery Bond”. I am thankful to the Lord because a church that has a radio station in Talagante accepted to air our programs! How to rescue people involved in drugs, sorcery, and many other things that affect the society in Chile? I am certain that only the powerful and transforming message of salvation in Christ will change the hearts of millions of people in this country, and God is opening doors in radio stations to have this message proclaimed.

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